If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to use the following contact information
To email any board member, click on their email address.
We have an annual election for the board. There are 15 members. Each member serves for 3 years, and each year 5 new members are elected. We meet one night each month to conduct necessary business for the community. The current board’s contact information is listed below. If you have any comments or questions regarding community activities, please feel free to contact one of your board members.
Board Of Directors
Lay Director Sandra Grasch 903-286-3331 |
Assistant Lay Director Debbie Hays 903-452-5331 |
Ex Officio Lay Director John Webb 903-714-6346 |
Spiritual Director Jim Pickens 214-476-5558 |
Assistant Spiritual Director Richard Luna 903-787-0585 |
Secretary Wynn Harle 903-245-2701 |
Treasurer Betty Buchanan 903-930-2678 |
Agape (Banquet) Nancy Edwards (903) 987-3110 |
Babe Chick Training Richard Smith 512-940-7553 |
Book Table Brad Burton 903-920-6662 |
Community Trailer Douglas Denmark 903-917-3454 |
Gathering Coordinator Paul Breedlove 903-352-2840 |
Music Coordinator/Trailer Brian Jones 469-337-8654 |
Newsletter Editor Martha Walker 903-235-0158 |
Prayer Vigil/ Wall Agape Mike Payne 903-658-3637 |
Publications Coordinator Kim Brooks 903-926-2333 |
Reunion Groups Ken Sides 903-724-3003 |
Sponsorship Training Kevin Abney 903-780-2768 |
Charlene Burton 903-920-6677 |
Walk Crosses
Elizabeth Minor |
Dove Name Tags
Jay Edwards |
Community Trainer
Brett Walker 903-987-3090 |
Brian Walker 903-563-2131 |
Ministry Manager Data Administrator
Martha Walker 903-235-0158 |
Communications Brad Burton 903-920-6662 |